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Transformation is a state of being in today’s world. And along with it comes high expectations for fast results. Energy is high during design and when design is finished it feels like the hardest part is behind you. But managing change is a very tricky thing. It's always more complicated and takes longer than you think it should. The client's challenge: the change wasn’t progressing as expected. Operations teams were buckling under the pressure of unforeseen problems and pushing back.



We deployed a transformation index designed to measure the stages that each change needed to pass through to get to the finish line. We raised awareness about obstacles, got people focused on removing obstacles and measured employee proficiency in the new process. 



The client was able to drive successful change. Employees felt renewed commitment to the change because they had a way to verbalize their barriers and get them addressed. Most importantly, the change leader was able to manage executive expectations and declare real victories as they occurred.

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